Commentary: Using Police In Oakland to Clear Out Occupy Was a Mistake
By Don Macleay, Berkeley Daily Planet
Using the police to clear out Occupy Oakland was exactly the wrong thing to do.
Green Party members Linda Piera Avila, Mud Baron and state party spokesperson Michael Feinstein spoke against a warehouse development on the land of the South Central Farm, at the Budget and Finance committee hearing of the Los Angeles City Council.
At the October monthly meeting of the San Fernando Valley Greens, our Valley Green Party leaders formed a solid consensus to support the Occupy Wall Street Movement and Occupy LA.
Fairfax voters have gone Green in recent elections. Three of the five members on the council belong to the Green Party, a political haven for those who find the Democratic Party too conservative for their tastes. Larry Bragman, Lew Tremaine and Pam Hartwell-Herrero are members of the Marin Green Party's leadership.
Many Obama supporters, notably the millions of young people who gave such vitality to his 2008 campaign, thought they had elected a president who would take the climate change issue seriously and make the tough choices necessary to reduce our national carbon footprint.
A string of Green Party victories and strong electoral showings across Germany, from the conservative south to the port cities of the north, are helping to redefine politics among voters who are increasingly losing faith in the more established parties.
The national tea party movement held what was billed as a major rally in Napa Saturday, but the promised thousands of conservative voters failed to turn up. Police and newspaper estimates placed the crowd at the Napa Valley Exposition at about 600, with another 200 Green Party, Democratic and union activists demonstrating in opposition outside the Expo fence.
State Senator Leeland Yee didn't show up, but Green Party candidate Terry Baum was more than happy to take his place. She was a last-minute addition who did more than her fair share to liven up the proceedings.
With signs that read “Tax the Rich,” “Drink Wine, Not Tea” and “The Tea Party is Over,” more than 200 protesters marched Saturday from downtown to Napa Valley Expo to demonstrate against the Tea Party Express rally.